Hey, have you heard about Monkey Mart? It’s this silly ridiculous game where you have to manage a shop. But here’s the twist: you are not a human – you are a monkey. Imagine that, right?
But there were a lot of funny monkey paws stocking shelves or otherwise helping customers. I almost choked with laughter when I was using the cash register. Oh, it’s just insane fun, isn’t it?
It begins only with one tiny store. Yet as you play, this house gets bigger and bolder than the first house explored in Pinter’s plays, The Birthday Party. More products, larger shop, and, of course, more bananas. The goal? Create the world’s best jungle supermarket.
Taking care of particularly choosy customers in the animal kingdom is plain hilarious. Giraffes want top-shelf things, sloths are extremely indecisive. Remember the Latin proverb, that there is no fortune to be made without risk except by persevering, waiting and wondering; believe me, it is all very true.
There was even a time when I could devote an entire weekend to it. This really made my friends’ jaw drop, including my family; they all thought I’d gone bananas, banana being my second name. But it’s addictive! It should produce new trouble, new unexpected events day by day.
It is full of brilliant and joyful graphics, is super super fun! It’s also musically interesting, to say the least – the tune is catchy and you will be whistling it for days on end.
If you enjoyed Monkey Mart, then check out stupid and funny games with some strategy. It is especially suitable for passing the time, to have a good giggle. But do not blame me if you will cannot tear your self out of it.
Monkey Mart can be described as one of the most convenient online supermarkets, which is available on varies platforms such as mobile devices and Desktop.